
Level 4

Core Modules (Biblical & Pastoral Theology & Theology & Missional Leadership Tracks)

Introduction to the Old Testament

BCU401 (10 credits)

This is an introductory course in which the primary focus is the survey of the Old Testament books. It will introduce you to the content of the OT and the methods that scholars use to understand it. It will cover the history of the periods in which various biblical books were written. By exploring the messages, the form and background of the books the course will discover what the biblical writers were trying to accomplish through their writings.

Introduction to the New Testament

BCU402 (10 credits)

This module explores in detail the historical background of the New Testament to encompass the cultural, political and religious setting in which the writing of the New Testament emerged. It provides the major doctrines and passages, key events and significant characters mentioned in the New Testament.

Introduction to Theology

BCU403 (10 credits)

This module offers a comprehensive survey of Christian doctrines including that of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Human Beings, Salvation, the Church, and Eschatology. An introduction to Christian theology will be given to define theology, its various streams and sources.

Introduction to Hermeneutics & Homiletics

BCU404 (10 credits)

This is a combined modular course made up of Hermeneutics (Principles of Biblical interpretation) and Homiletics (Principles of Biblical preaching). The focus of the Hermeneutics section of the course introduces the student to the basic principles of biblical interpretation to cover the basic rules of Bible interpretation by stressing a pattern of explaining the rule, illustrating the principle, and allowing the student to practice interpretation. The Homiletics section emphasises the steps involved in building different types of sermons and the use of various types of sermon patterns and applying context for proper exposition. It deals with practical matters such as the preparation of the sermon, the source of materials, construction of the sermons, sermon delivery and evaluation.

Introduction to Pneumatology

BCU405 (10 credits)

This module aims to introduce students to the person, nature and work of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments. It examines the various descriptions and roles of the Holy Spirit in the Bible and explores the continuity of the Spirit’s role from the Old Testament to the New Testament. It looks at the 3 key eras of the manifestation of the Spirit, the Spirit in Jesus’ life, Pentecost and the church.

Introduction to Church History

BCU406 (10 credits)

The focus is a concentrated study of key events in the history of the church, giving special emphasis to the patristic era through to Christianity in Rome and the new World. It also covers the events of the reformation and post-reformation eras, to include highlights on the history of Global Pentecostalism with reference to the Azusa Street Revival, and African Pentecostalism in Britain.

Contemporary Christian Leadership

BCU407 (10 credits)

This module helps you to explore contemporary theories and practices of leadership so that you are able to critically apply biblical/theological values and principles to shape a distinctively Christian model of leadership. The effort will be on trying to answer the question of how a Christian perspective and practice of leadership might differ from other perspectives and trends of leadership.

Introduction to Mission

BCU408 (10 credits)

The purpose of this module is to introduce you to mission; explore the genesis and purpose of mission and to equip you to understand Missio-Dei, types of mission, Pentecostal contributions to mission, mission strategies and the role of the church in mission. The module will equip students with a theological, theoretical and practical framework for understanding mission in context. It is practically oriented for effective mission work in the twenty- first century and is structured to meet contemporary mission in Western culture.

Optional Modules

1 & 2 Corinthians (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU409 (20 credits)

This module gives an introductory survey of the first and second letters of Paul to the Corinthian Church. Major issues in the letters including disunity, immorality, marriage, idolatry issues, gender issues, the Lord’s Supper, spiritual gifts, suffering and resurrection will be discussed. You will develop skills to effectively evaluate and deal with various theological and practical issues faced by churches today.

Christian Ethics 1 (Biblical & Pastoral Theology & Theology & Missional Leadership Tracks)

BCU410 (20 credits)

This is an introductory course to Christian Ethics designed to help you understand the principles undergirding good conduct and be able to build a biblical worldview of good character and life. Its integration with Biblical, theological and philosophical studies will help you respond to the current moral, intellectual and social issues in our world.

Christian Counselling 1 (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU411 (20 credits)

This module gives you a basic introduction to Christian Counselling within the broader framework of Counselling and Pastoral care. Biblical theology and practical counselling are combined to help the student understand how to help people to overcome emotional and psychological difficulties and to function in the way they were originally designed by God to be and to behave.

Pastoral Studies (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU412 (20 credits)

This is an exploration of the biblical and theological basis for pastoral ministry and a reflection on various approaches skills and qualities necessary for the pastor. It offers an understanding of the basic principles and practices of Christian pastoral care from a biblical and theological basis, using biblical texts, examples and contemporary case studies.

Church Planting & Evangelism (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU413 (20 credits)

This module is designed to equip you with tools to the ministry of church planting, growth and renewal. The emphasis of the course is on giving students strategies needed for starting and developing gospel-centred missional churches that result in the spiritual, social and cultural transformation of entire cities and regions.

Leadership and Spirituality (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU414 (20 credits)

This module is intended to help you to develop an understanding and appreciation of the spirituality required of leaders involved in Christian/congregational leadership. It covers the study and practice of the spiritual disciplines/habits/practices that undergird the spirituality of Christian leaders in the church, society and marketplace. The focus will be on answering the question of how leaders are to be shaped to become true agents of transformation in a world where God’s mission is central to the church’s existence.

Missions & Migration (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU415 (20 credits)

This module aims at helping you explore the relationship between Christian missions and the phenomenon of the diaspora, or the experience of people moving, being moved and living in contexts that are different from their origin. The focus will be on the challenges and opportunities this phenomenon presents to Christian mission in the globalised contemporary world. The module will expose you to how to minister to, minister through, and minister with people from and beyond the diasporas.

Level 5

Core Modules (Biblical & Pastoral Theology & Theology & Missional Leadership Tracks)

Evangelism & Apologetics

BCU501 (20 credits)

This course in Apologetics will help you better understand and defend your faith in today’s contemporary society. It introduces you to the principles and varieties of Christian apologetics. The course discusses contemporary objections to the Christian faith and critically evaluates the different approaches to doing effective apologetics in contemporary culture.

Old Testament Theology

BCU502 (20 credits)

This module aims to introduce you to the principle of Biblical Theology as opposed to Systematic Theology. In doing so, it will focus on the Old Testament, drawing theological understanding from the Old Testament genres, primarily narrative. The focus of the course will be on looking at difficult passages and drawing theological principles from them, before looking at application into a modern day context.

New Testament Theology

BCU503 (20 credits)

This module aims to introduce you to the principle of Biblical Theology by focusing on the New Testament, drawing theological understanding from the New Testament genres, primarily the synoptic gospels, Johannine literature including Revelation and Pauline epistles. The focus of the module will be on looking at the synoptic problem, the theme of the kingdom of God, the work of the Holy Spirit in spreading the gospel and drawing theological principles from them for a contextual application into a modern-day context.

Pentecostal & Charismatic Studies

BCU504 (20 credits)

This course offers students an understanding of the history and theology of the global Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Particular attention is given to examining some of the key issues relating to the history and theology of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movements.

Optional Modules

Introduction to Biblical Languages (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU505 (20 credits)

No previous experience required! A very simple one term introduction to the alphabet and grammar of both Hebrew and Greek, with the aim of being able to use dictionaries and concordances as well as modern commentaries to make better sense of the underlying text.

Galatians and Romans (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU506 (20 credits)

This module involves an examination of the historical background of the Epistles to Galatians and Romans, particularly the occasion and circumstances of the writing of each letter and information pertaining to their recipients. It highlights the timeless practical teachings in these letters and their relevance to Christian living.

Christian Counselling 2 (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU507 (20 credits)

This module aims to provide you with a broad understanding of the three levels of client problems. It introduces you to common mental health and psychological problems. It also introduces you to the in-depth understanding of the seven helping and Counselling process within the framework of Christian Counselling.

Pastoral Theology (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU508 (20 credits)

Building on the knowledge and skills learnt from Pastoral Studies, the aim of this module is to provide you with a more robust understanding of the essentials of pastoral theology by examining the issues and challenges related to pastoral care in our contemporary contexts. The biblical and theological basis and the practical implications of the pastoral ministry will be examined critically to show the difference between pastoral ministry and other caring professions. A historical survey of pastoral care and contemporary application will provide case studies for critical analysis of the pastoral role today.

Christian Ethics 2 (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU501 (20 credits)

This module explores practical steps to applying the knowledge of ethical theories undergirding Christian ethics to real life ethical issues in the church and society. The focus will be on how a distinctively Christian approach to ethics that is evidently biblical and practically humble in its application to contemporary issues and contexts may be worked out. Various contemporary ethical issues will be used as case studies for critical evaluation of ethical practices in contemporary contexts.

Environmental Stewardship (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU510 (20 credits)

This module explores an understanding of Christian stewardship that makes you see contemporary environmental issues of global warming as a challenge to the church’s mission and helps you to offer a Christian response to it. The focus will be on demonstrating how available literature and debates in the field help Christians to develop a way of life that makes stewardship, especially, environmental stewardship a necessary aspect of living a Christian life.

Mission in Contemporary Europe (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU511 (20 credits)

This module is intended to help you understand the missionary context of Europe. It explores the issues in doing multicultural ministry in Europe and the challenges involved in cross cultural and multicultural mission. The module also discusses leadership and church growth strategies in the West.

Skills & Strategies in Communication (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU512 (20 credits)

With 24-hour news and social media, corporate mistakes are easily and quickly highlighted to the extent that any little shortfall of customer service or internal problem can go viral and damage the reputation of a company, organisation, or church. This is the reason why everyone occupying a leadership position in a company, organisation, or a church needs to have at least, some basic training and skills in communication, public speaking, and public relations to enable them deal appropriately and effectively with their publics.

Level 6

Core Modules (Biblical & Pastoral Theology & Theology & Missional Leadership Tracks)

Research Methods & Dissertation

BCU601 (30 credits)

You may choose any topic related to the various fields of Theology. A suitable title and reading programme is to be approved by an appropriate staff tutor who will act as the supervisor, although for sections or aspects of the dissertation, consultation with other staff members may be recommended.

Christian Ministry in Practice

BCU602 (10 credits)

This module provides a theological understanding of and practical skills for the key areas of church ministry namely Youth, Children, Men, Evangelism and Women. Other areas including Worship will also be explored. You will explore the reasons why these ministries are important, how to develop them effectively in the church including how to manage the ministries in the framework of the church and its missional implications and effectiveness.

Ministry Placement

BCU603 (20 credits)

You will combine a placement experience with college-based seminars on ministry integration. Placements will be arranged within any situation proposed by you and approved by the module coordinator. Independent initiative and ambitious choices will be encouraged. A field supervisor will, in discussion with you and a BCC staff member devise a reasonable weekly ministry involvement for you. This will require ten hours attendance per week over one semester. The required attendance can be achieved via a block placement instead of a weekly arrangement, with the approval of the module coordinator.

Optional Modules

Theological Reflections (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU604 (20 credits)

The aim of this module is to help you appreciate the importance of and the need for theological reflection on the ministry of the church in the church, in society and in the marketplace, which includes your own ministry in these contexts. The focus will be to provide critical knowledge and understanding of how theological reflection fits into the pastoral cycle by showing how reflecting theologically on situations for and contexts of pastoral care is essential for effective ministry that brings growth.

Pentecostal Theology (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU605 (20 credits)

This is a comprehensive outline of the history and theology of the global Pentecostal Movement. Particular attention is given to examining key issues relating to the history and theology of Pentecostalism.

Hermeneutics & Homiletics 2 (Biblical & Pastoral Theology Track)

BCU606 (20 credits)

This module deals with principles of Biblical interpretation and application. You will be introduced to principles of doing hermeneutics through historical-cultural, theological and contextual analysis. The interpretation component of this module will cover in depth theological analysis, lexical syntax and analysing special literary forms. Whilst the application component will introduce you to applying the Bible in a contemporary multi-cultural environment.

Cross-cultural Ministry (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU607 (20 credits)

This course is intended to help you understand the intricacies and dynamics of cross-cultural ministry, especially that of Africans and other non-Westerners serving in Western contexts. The focus will be on contextualisation of the Gospel message and Pentecostal practice within Western contexts.

Digital Theology (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU608 (20 credits)

Digital Theology involves reflecting on the digitalisation of society and its implications for Christian faith and practice. Technological innovations are causing a whole raft of social changes across many aspects of life in the twenty-first century. The Christian Church too, like many other religions, is changing through its engagement with social media, its communication through websites, and increasing use of digital technology in worship, in pastoral practice and in evangelism. This module offers practical reflections and tools into effectively engaging with the contemporary digitised culture.

Missions & Social Transformation (Theology & Missional Leadership Track)

BCU609 (20 credits)

This module aims to equip you with the necessary tools to critically explore how Christian missions and ministry accomplish social transformation through programmes of practical compassionate service in cross-cultural and urban settings. The focus will be on practical interventions that the church can make to meet the needs of society and thereby bring about social transformation.