- 0121 472 0726
- info@bccoll.ac.uk
- Mon - Fri : 09.00-17.00
We have designed the following programmes specifically to meet the training needs of churches for their lay leaders. If you are interested in one of these courses you should contact your church pastor in the first instance.
This weekend course runs on Friday and Saturday. 4 key modules are taught on this course:
Mode of Learning: Blended (i.e. online and face-to-face intensive sessions)
Awarding Organization: BCC
Level: Broadly equivalent to Level 3
Guided Learning Hours: 12
Class presentations and reflective papers
This is a stand-alone module that is designed to provide students with an introduction to Christian Counselling within the broader framework of Christian Pastoral Care. Unlike the Introduction to Counselling in the Certificate in Christian Leadership course, this counselling module is extensive and lengthy. It introduces students to the basic tools needed to help people overcome emotional and psychological difficulties so that they can function in the way God originally created them. Students will be required to either come to BCC over a period of two months or alternatively embark on a one-week intensive residential programme. This course is accredited by NCFE, an awarding organization recognised by the qualification regulators for England (Ofqual), Wales (Qualification Wales) and Northern Ireland (CCEA Regulation). It has been developed by us to meet the specific requirements of our learners and the learning outcomes and assessment criteria have been bench-marked at their stated levels (using Ofqual’s level descriptors) to allow you to demonstrate the difficulty and depth of study.
Mode of Learning: Blended (i.e online and face-to-face intensive sessions)
Awarding Organization: NCFE
Level: Level 4
Guided Learning Hours (GLH): 30hrs
Case studies, written essay (1500 words) and Journal
This course is a ~16 month certificate programme in Christian Ministry and Leadership. The course involves training in core ministry areas such as evangelism, teaching of doctrine, nurturing of spirituality, skills development in administration and management, Christian leadership and pastoral care. The course is made up of 6 modules of 10 credits and will be taught using both physical and virtual classroom presentations, placements and the preparation of a portfolio. The aim of the course is to train Christian leaders who will faithfully believe the Scriptures and fashion their lives according to the truth of the gospel, people who will understand and be able to interpret and teach the Bible to other people through evangelism, preaching and bible studies, Christian leaders who will not just know the doctrines of the church but whose ministry and lifestyles will be informed by the doctrines of the Christian faith. The course is also aimed at offering practical skills in thinking, vision casting, management and administration pastoral care.
This module aims to introduce participants to basic principles of Biblical interpretation and preaching. The interpretation component of this module will cover the basic rules of Bible interpretation by stressing a pattern of explaining the rule, illustrating the principle, and allowing the students to practice interpretation through practical workshops. The preaching component covers the different sermon types and approaches to preparing and delivering a sermon as well as leading Bible studies.
This module aims to introduce students to the key doctrines of the Bible and core practices of the Christian faith. The module will explore the church’s doctrinal statements (tenets). Students will be encouraged to thoroughly and critically analyse, evaluate and discuss some of the core practices of the church and its contextual applications in Europe. Emphasis will laid on the transformative implications of Christian doctrine and practices.
The aim of this module is to introduce students to a holistic approach to their responsibilities as Christian leaders responsible for discipling and nurturing church members into maturity. In Pastoral Theology, students will explore both Biblical and practical approaches to Eldership, pastoral care and foundational principles of counselling. The course will introduce students to the tools needed to be effective helpers in their role as pastoral carers both in dealing with church members and in their responsibility to the minister and other leadership of the church.
This module, Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts aims to introduce you to teachings on the work and person of the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments. You will explore and interpret the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the church and in believers’ lives today. Specific areas such as the fruit of the Spirit, Holy Spirit baptism, the gifts of the Spirit and spiritual warfare will also be looked at in detail.
This module is intended to help participants to develop an understanding and appreciation of personal spiritual development for leadership. It will involve Christian/congregational leadership and the spiritual disciplines/habits/practices that facilitate leadership. The emphasis will be on character building as the core quality of Christian leadership and how to build character through the help of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual disciplines. In a world where God’s mission is central to the church’s existence, this course will help students to learn how to be in tune with God and follow Him to do His ministry on earth. Other key areas such as managing conflict, vision casting implementation, and teamwork will be explored.
The module is designed specifically to broaden the understanding and awareness of the realities of contemporary secular Western society and to provide useful tools in engaging with ethnic minority groups within the community in the diaspora. Approaches to intergenerational church, multicultural church and contextualisation of church practices will be explored and discussed.
Mode of Learning: Blended (i.e. online and face-to-face intensive sessions)
Awarding Organization: NCFE
Level: Broadly equivalent to Level 4
Guided Learning Hours: 20 hours per module, 120 hours for the complete course
Short essays, class presentations, examinations and submission of a portfolio that will be based on the previous formal education and experience of students.
In a world where God’s mission is central to the church’s existence, these courses will help students learn how to be in tune with God and follow Him to do His ministry on earth and explore other key areas such as managing conflict, vision-casting implementation, and teamwork.