- 0121 472 0726
- info@bccoll.ac.uk
- Mon - Fri : 09.00-17.00
You may be surprised to learn that Birmingham Christian College doesn’t receive any Government funding. We therefore rely entirely on fees paid by students and charitable giving in order to cover our running costs. BCC is a registered charity and receiving charitable donations enables us to keep our fees at an affordable level meaning more people are able to come here for teaching and training so they can be effective in their ministries for God.
Like any organisation the college has overheads to meet, ranging from staff salaries, utility bills and office supplies to things like the set up and maintenance of this website and, of course, the upkeep of services for students such as lecture facilities and IT provision. We also have to pay annual fees for our accreditation and are also seeking validation for additional courses.
Any donation to our general fund will help us to keep the course costs down and improve their content and the facilities available to our students.
To make a donation, please use our online form here.
Alternatively, feel free to send us a cheque payable to ‘Birmingham Christian College’ with ‘General College Fund’ written on the back. If you would like to Gift Aid, please download the form here.
You may like to donate to our building fund. The current campus had been the midlands home of the Church Mission Society (CMS) for almost 40 years before it was bought by BCC in 2006. To be fully effective it needs completely modernising, and although we have made progress in our time here, there is still much work to be done. Every donation will help us complete this task more quickly and benefit the students and staff who live and work here.
Our long term plan for modernisation will cost around £750,000 and is being completed in stages. At the moment we are aiming to bring the facilities up to modern day standards by replacing the doors and windows with double glazing, replacing the heating system with a modern energy efficient one, installing new bathrooms and kitchens and improving the internal lighting and décor.
In the longer term we hope to build a new modern reception area and extend our large meeting room to enable us to host larger conferences and other events. As well as being able to use it for our own purposes this would enable us to earn additional revenue by hiring the facilities out to other users.
Your donation to this fund will bring us one step closer towards realising these goals and is greatly appreciated.
To make a donation, please use our online form here.
Alternatively, feel free to send us a cheque payable to ‘Birmingham Christian College’ with ‘Building Fund’ written on the back. If you would like to Gift Aid, please download the form here.
Regular giving allows us to plan our programmes and ministry around expected income. Planning for the future helps us to be good stewards of the funds we receive.
You can give regularly by completing a standing order form and taking it to your bank. Alternatively you can set up a standing order using online banking. You can specify any amount and how regularly you would like to give. Unless you specify how you would like you gift used, it will directed to where it is most needed.
If you would like to set up a standing order please contact us on 0121 472 0726 or email us at info@bccoll.uk.
Your Will allows you to provide for what is important to you as a Christian. It is a way of protecting your family and continuing to support the areas of Christian ministry that matter to you most.
By leaving a gift to BCC in your Will, you can continue to help equip students to live effectively in a changing world, taking the message of the gospel wherever he calls them. You can continue God’s work through others.
Please contact us on 0121 472 0726 or email us at info@bccoll.uk to discuss leaving a legacy to us.
Gift Aid allows us to claim back what you have paid in basic rate tax on the money you donate to us. It is effectively worth an extra 25% on top of your donation from the Inland Revenue, this means that for every £1 you donate, we can claim an extra 25p directly from the Government.
When you make a donation online you can indicate that you would like it to be treated as Gift Aid, alternatively if you send a cheque you will need to print and complete a Gift Aid form if you want to Gift Aid your donation. When you do this you are declaring that:
For example, if you have donated £10 and have indicated that you would like us to claim the tax back, we can claim the basic rate tax you paid on that money, i.e. £2.50, from the Inland Revenue.
Please do not ask for your donation to be treated as gift aid if you are not a taxpayer or will not pay enough tax to cover the gift aid.
Want to help us raise even more for FREE? Well, now you can just by shopping via Give as you Live Online! When you shop at over 4,400 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via Give as you Live Online, they’ll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Simply sign up, search for the retailer and start shopping. It’s that simple! Get started today!
You can also give directly by clicking on the button below:
or further information about Gift Aid, please click here to go to relevant page on the HMRC website. Alternatively, email us at info@bccoll.uk with any questions you may have.