Pastoral Theology and Leadership (OLD)

The Pastoral Theology and Leadership pathway offers advanced knowledge and skills needed for congregational ministry, spiritual nurturing, and organisational leadership. It provides both advanced knowledge on intercultural and pastoral leadership, analytical and practical skills for addressing the challenges faced in pastoral ministry in communities. This pathway presents an opportunity for students to engage with a range of issues in the field of pastoral theology and ministry in a variety of settings including diaspora communities.  Its blending of intergenerational concerns is intentional to address the issue of continuity between first and succeeding generations. Anyone engaged in pastoral ministry will benefit hugely from this pathway as it empowers students to engage in critical exploration of a range of issues in contemporary pastoral ministry. The applied emphasis of the programmes is intentional to ensure that while being critical and scholarly on the Christian faith and its theology, hands-on skills and relevant cultural intelligence is infused into the curriculum to make students effective ministers and strategic leaders in society

Core Modules

BCM713 Theological Reflections

BCM707 Pastoral Theology

BCM711 Research Methods and Study Skills

Optional Modules (Subject to numbers)

BCM706 Mission and Social Transformation

BCM702 Contemporary Biblical Pneumatology

BCM707 Pastoral Theology

BCM704 Generations and Missional Leadership

BCM708 Pastoral and Missional Hermeneutics

BCM705 Missions and Migration in Contemporary Context

BCM703 Contemporary Religions

BCM714 African Diaspora Christianity
